We all have them - unconscious bias
Subconscious biases, also known as implicit biases, are automatic and unconscious mental processes that influence our judgments, decisions, and behaviors without our conscious awareness. These biases are formed through our exposure to societal and cultural influences, personal experiences, and media representations, among other factors. They can be based on various characteristics such as race, gender, age, ethnicity, appearance, social class, and more.
Subconscious biases operate beneath our conscious awareness, making them difficult to detect and control. They can shape our perceptions, attitudes, and actions, and can lead to unfair or discriminatory treatment of individuals or groups. It’s important to note that these biases are not necessarily reflective of our conscious beliefs or values, but they can still influence our thoughts and behaviors.
In order to measure subconscious associations and uncover implicit bias towards female (or male) founders, the Female Founders Initiative Switzerland together with Diversify, has developed the Gender Bias Measurement Test. It is based on the scientifically proven Implicit Association Test (IAT) developed at Harvard University.
By participating in this online test you will not only find out to what extent unconscious thought patterns related to entrepreneurship influence your own actions. Your participation will also help us to better understand if and to which degree there is a bias related to gender in the startup eco-system and what is needed in order to create a more diverse startup eco-system.
Since this test is intended to make you more aware of your subconscious mind, the results might not necessarily reflect the views you actually hold. In fact, this is a great opportunity to better understand the subconscious associations that might influence your decision-making.
Try it out: Simply click on the button below and you will be forwarded to the test. It might take a few seconds, please bear with us while the test is loading.
It can be taken using a regular computer or mobile device.